Quotidianly – Law?


The word Light אור, in Hebrew expresses freedom, as a way of reminding us that we are slaves of the darkness of our own hallucinating minds.

Probably the gravity itself denotates that more than being clinging to the ground, we are clinging to ephemeral, hallucinating and selfish dreams and desires.

Today’s quotes obligate us to “determine the consequences of our thoughts, words and acts.”

Joel as a second prophet call us to repentance, understanding that the Creator is our only and best option, which means that we must live according tohis light, guidance, and precepts.

There are 613 mitzvot מצוה, that miraculously the Creator unified it all in just one, the most important law: to love us, others, and He above everything else.

Joel 2:21 “Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice, for the LORD has done great things!”

Remember to love and appreciate every day our life!

Quotidianly – Law?
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