
Quotidianly – Invoke?


We are servants, netinéo nĕtı̂nı̂m נְתִינִים, but this is a gift from the Creator, Iaô, hence each term speaks to us from those signs Yahu, so we can be good Samaritans, helpful beings, thanks to His guidance.

Our Creator, our Lord אָדוֹן Jesus Christ, adon, Adonai presents to us, through his attributes, that only He is worthy of praising Him.

Today’s quotes tell us that “those who doesn’t illuminate their surroundings with their being, allows darkness to radiate into their life”.

The best way to invoke our Creator is through our permanent prayers, praising Him.

Remember, each small particle shows us that the whole is found in its essence.

He is our HaShem, השם so the best way to thank Him for everything He offers us is by acting lovingly.

Just like the Widow of Zarephath צָרְפַת Tsarefát, He, as our goldsmith, is preparing us daily so that with our faith we feed back into our environments.

Jhon 16:23 “In that day you will ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you.”

Remember to love and appreciate every day our life!